While working at the Cle Elum- Roslyn Elementary School, I had heard rumblings of needing to change an outdated high school logo. One year after stepping away from my position as a Para Educator, I was honored to be asked to take on the project.
Being IndigenousĀ I felt pressure to "get it right", being a previous employee I felt flattered to be given the opportunity, and as an alumnus I understood the power of an impactful logo.
The new CERHS (Cle Elum-Roslyn High School) logo is a collaborative effort between myself, school board, staff/students, community members and tribal leaders from the Yakama Nation. Is is based on the beauty of the community while honoring tradition. It is compromised of two main features - custom typography and a reimagined arrowhead.
Inspired by the view from Speelyi Beach, the mirrored image of the mountain ridge reflects off cam waters to create an arrowhead form. Using an arrowhead allows for us to honor community traditions by keeping a likeness to the mascot that is cherished, and allowing to respect culture and acknowledge impact of characterizations.